Saturday, March 10, 2012

Yay! A very good day!

Today was my 6th successful time on the dialysis machine.  Even though I've been trying 3 times a week since The Tuesday after Valentine's Day, I've only successfully been treated 6 times.  It has been such a frustrating process!

Today I went in full of apprehension and expecting the worst.  Dan and Carolynn both came with me and got me settled into my chair.  I sent them back into the waiting room for the needle process itself because if that went badly, I didn't want to subject them to it.  After both needles were in however, I called Carolynn back in so she could watch the rest of the set up process.  The nurses explained things to her and answered her questions no matter how silly she thought they seemed.

Once I was fully under way, they left and went back home.  I was onboard for almost 4 hours, my end weight was 138 kg which is right around my dry weight.  That equates to right around 304 pounds which is pretty close to what we think my dry weight is.  I didn't have any cramping today though, so I'm wondering if I can lose a little more fluid next time around.  I know that back in October, my weight was 290 at the Doctor's office.  That was before all of the fluid build up and so forth, so I have to wonder just how much of this weight is still fluid gain.  All we can do is keep working at it and waiting for the cramps.  Ugh!

As you may have noticed, I've started a list of blogs related to CKD and Dialysis over there on the right.  I will continue to add to the list over time, but there are so many sites out there that it is taking me longer than I thought to go through them all.

Well, I'm having my (apparently typical) bout of weakness and post-dialysis headache, so I'll sign off for now.  Tomorrow, Dan's Parents are coming through the area and we're going to meet them for brunch.  I'm so happy I had a good day today.  That will make it much easier to face tomorrow.  hehe


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