Tuesday, March 27, 2012

PermCath will make dialysis so much easier... NOT

Today was my first time with Big D using my PermCath.  The nurse plugged me in in reverse because she felt that it would go better that way.  The arterial side was a little sluggish when trying to pull from it, so she pulled from the venous instead and things were ok...


It's a brand new cath and I love to clot.  They ran me for about an hour with the alarm going off literally every 5 minutes until they finally decided to put some clot buster in each side to see if that helped.

I had to sit for an hour with the clot buster in the cath.  Thankfully I had taken a pain pill before going in so I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep most of the day today.  I didn't even realize the hour had passed until the damn alarm they set woke me up.  I almost lept out of the damn chair it scared me so bad.  hehe

After that, everything flowed great though.  I ran for another 2 hours and they pulled a little over 4 pounds of fluid off altogether.

I still have pain at the incision site and I'm still taking some pain medication as of tonight, but all in all it was a much more pleasant experience than I've had thus far.

Here's today's pics and video.

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