Friday, March 30, 2012

Glade Cling Wrap is genius!

Yesterday was my second time going to Dialysis since having the PermCath installed.  I had waited to shower until the morning and Dan helped me before he had to leave for work.  We were worried about getting the incisions wet, because apparently that can easily lead to infection since the cath goes basically right into my heart.

My friend Chris who is a Surgical Nurse told me to get a roll of Cling Wrap and cover the area with that before showering.  I was dubious at first because I'd never used Cling Wrap before but the package said it clings to every kind of surface so I bought a roll.  If nothing else, we needed more wrap for the kitchen anyway.  :)

As it turned out, the Cling Wrap works perfectly!  My big mistake was pulling off a HUGE piece.  lol  I was able to cover from my jaw down past my boob.  Next time, smaller pieces covering just the areas it needs to will be even better.  =P

Anyway, we put the shower chair in the tub, Dan hooked the shower hose up and I sat there while he washed my hair and then I was able to finish my shower.  Success!

After that, he left for work and I went back to bed for a few more hours.  The van showed up about 11:10 and dialysis went very smoothly.  The PermCath, as scary as it is, actually does make the process of dialysis so much easier.  I don't care though.  I still want it out of me.  The sooner we get my fistula to the point where the nurses can effectively stick it, the better I will feel.  I hate this damn thing sticking out of my chest. I can't sleep comfortably, I still can't turn my head very far due to the sensation of pulling, all in all I hate it.

There is one other thing I want to bring up...

Kidney disease can also have an effect on other bodily functions.  In my case (and many other's) it causes real bowel problems.  I no longer remember what having a 'normal' bowel is like.  Generally I either have no problems, or I'm backed up for days.  I can normally guess what triggers a bout of being backed up.  I have issues with stress for example.  When I get stressed the whole works seems to come to a standstill.  For example, when my Mom died a few years ago, I was backed up for more than 9 days before I was finally able to go.

Also, whenever I have a surgical procedure that requires me taking anything stronger than Tylenol afterwards, I get constipated.  I normally remember to ask for a stool softener before going into surgery so that I can head off potential problems before they happen.  This time, I was told that I wouldn't need anything stronger than Tylenol, so I didn't bother.  I have a small stockpile of pain medication because in the past, when I have had more invasive surgeries, the Doctor prescribes me something, I usually end up taking one or two of the prescription and then switch to something like Tylenol because I really hate taking any sort of pain meds at all, let alone something stronger than OTC meds.

Anyway, I got home from having the Cath put in and the pain was really a lot worse than I was told to expect, so I took one of my 'good' painkillers.  Then, after about 8 hours, I was still really uncomfortable, so I took another one.  Add to that the stress of the last week and BAM!

So remember, if you have kidney disease, make sure you try to get a good amount of fiber in your diet.  If you have surgery that requires prescription pain killers, ask for a stool softener.  Constipation is no fun and it can be dangerous.

Just something else you never really think about.  :-/

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