Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So, again it's been too long...

Lots of things have changed since last we saw each other.

My Dialysis is rarely a problem any more.  I now have buttonholes in my fistula.  Here's a Power Point on the Buttonhole Technique.

There are still some days when my Nurses have problems getting the needles in, but WAY more often than not, things go off without a hitch.  So yay!  :)

Also, I have finally gotten rid of those giant PKD Kidneys.

I had a Bilateral, Radical Nephrectomy on April 2, 2013.  The surgery itself was fine.  Recovery has been hell.

Here's a video describing what my hospital time was like:

Surgery Update

Yesterday, April 15, 2013, I had my staples taken out and had Steri-Strips put on.  This was evidently not a great idea.  Last night I ended up in the Emergency Room because my incision had started to bleed.  The strips weren't holding and, in fact, were falling off.  I noticed the blood when I was on the toilet.  As I stood up, there was blood drops on the toilet and then, as I stood there, I realized blood was collecting on the floor.  Not good.

We tried holding pressure on the incision for about 30 minutes, but the bleeding continued, so off we went to the ER.

As it turns out, the blood is apparently old blood from the surgery that had collected under the incision site and finally found an opening in order to drain.  Now if only it would stop draining...  ugh.

That's not the only issue however.  I've known for a long time that I am allergic to many types of adhesives.  I blister from plastic medical tape and even band aids cause me some problems.  Little did I know however...

I have blistered under the Steri-strips and that's one of the main reasons they aren't sticking.  The blisters are itchy and annoying along with being a danger if they burst because they are so close to the incision which is now open in places and draining.

Such is my life.

I currently have, of all things, a maxi-pad across my belly to absorb the draining blood and am just sort of maintaining the status quo.

Here's the most recent photos...

That's me, pre-surgery.  Pregnant with my PKD Twins...  

My incision taken while still in the hospital.  This was taken approximately 4 days post-op.

These next photos are of the blisters that have formed under the Steri-Strips.  Trying to take the photos while not making this an X-rated blog was interesting...  lol

And finally...

I present to you, THE TWINS!!!

Surgery was actually, apparently, only 45 minutes.  Rather amazing considering the size of those damn things and the fact that they seem to be fused together.  

Let's recall for a moment... Healthy kidneys are approximately the size of an average computer mouse (or your closed fist), and are smooth and shiny and, most of all, bean shaped.

My kidneys were both in excess of 30 cm.  That's about 12 inches, or, as long as an NFL football.

I don't know what they weighed, nor how big around they were, but you get the idea.

So, the twins are gone, eventually I'll be healed up and able to start exercising, and after my Daughter starts college this Fall, I'll begin the classes I need to take in order to get on the Transplant list.

Things are looking up, even though it's a real struggle right now.  I just want to be healthy again.  I want to be able to hike again.  I live in one of the most beautiful areas in the United States and I've yet to be able to actually enjoy any of it because of this damn disease.  Thankfully I now have a light at the end of the tunnel and I am starting to really be able to visualize the day when I'll be 'normal' again.

That's it for now folks.  Thanks for reading.  :)

1 comment:

  1. HOLY SHITBALLS OF SACRED HEART! Those kidneys are ... wow... I can't believe you were able to handle them that long. The blisters look painful and itchy! Just wow wow wow
