Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I've been away for too long. :(

I had initially thought to create this blog and update it consistently with the trials and tribulations of my dialysis journey.

Here's the thing.

I hate dialysis.  I'm angry about having to go through this and with all the problems I've had and am still having, the last thing I want to do is think about it when I'm not at that damn clinic.

I did get the PermCath removed.  I'm now permanently scarred where the Cath used to be.  The Nurses are still having problems sticking my fistula (although it is a LOT better than it used to be) and there is nothing that can be done about it.

There are only 3 or 4 Nurses at my clinic that can stick me reliably, and even then, on average of once every 4 weeks or so, they have difficulties and I end up being unable to finish my treatment that day.  The rest of the Nurses run in fear when they see me arrive because none of them want to have anything to do with my arm.

I'm down from the 147 kg or so that I was when I started dialysis back in February to a dry weight of somewhere around 132 kg.  That's a loss of over 30 pounds in 8 months and I am working hard to lose more and more so that I have a better shot at getting a transplant.  It's difficult though.  Thankfully I am not as diet restricted as most other patients and all of my blood work comes back really good each month.  I can still eat potatoes and cheese and bananas and so forth, but I do still need to find a way to get more protein into my body.

My Daughter Carolynn has also been diagnosed with PKD.  Not sure if I've mentioned that before or not.  She's only 18, so it will be decades before she has to worry about it, but I'm trying to pound it into her head now that she needs to start taking better care of herself so that when the time comes, she will be better off than I was when it was time for me to begin dialysis.

Our home situation has changed.  We're living on our own again, finally.  I'm having a lot less problems with skin breakouts, itching, and illness now, so that's a definite positive step.  I'm also able to eat a lot better again and that has helped with the weight loss (I'm down over 4 pounds in just the last month) and in every other part of my life.  I'm cooking again!!!  Not as much as I'd like, but more than I've been able to since we left Alabama.

I've started another blog... because hey, if I can't remember to post on this one, why not create another one that I can forget to post on as well?  The other blog deals with our budget and our menu plans.  So Tight We Squeak is the name of that one.  Stop on by and if you have tips on budgeting or menu planning, please leave comments!!!

That's it for now.  This is a non-dialysis day and I have now officially thought about it more than I ever want to on an off day.

Have a Happy Halloween!

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