Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another Fistulagram on the horizon

I saw the Vascular Surgeon yesterday.  I'm scheduled for another Fistulagram on April 17th.  That's really the only update at this point.  This Fistulagram will help this surgeon determine exactly what he wants to do with my fistula.  Apparently the first time I had one, that Doctor didn't look at the part of the fistula that this Doctor wants to look at.  It's all greek to me.  I just know that I'm having to undergo another painful treatment on my arm before we find out exactly what needs to be done to 'fix' the problem.

My PermCath is still bugging me, but now it's more of an irritating itch kind of thing than anything else.  I had the top stitch taken out yesterday, so now I can at least move my neck a little more and sleeping is a little easier.  I just wish there was some other dressing they could use other than the plastic sheet they keep over it.  I've told everyone that the adhesive makes me break out and itch, but they just shrug their shoulders and explain that there is no other alternative.  Great.

In other news, Dan and I had a date night this past Sunday.  In August, we'll be celebrating our 10th Anniversary and in all these years, we've maybe had a handful of actual date nights.  What did we do for our rare night?  Did we go dancing and have a fantastic 5 course meal and so forth?  Nope.  We had THE most awesome date night in the history of date nights!  We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and watched Wrestlemania 28.  :D


lol  Ok, so maybe that date night doesn't appeal to everyone.  We had a fantastic time though.  It was the first time either of us had ever been to BDubs, it was the first time watching a PPV somewhere other than at home on TV, and all told, we spent $15 less for our night out than we would have if we'd stayed home and ordered it on TV.  (Actually, we saved $25 if we'd ordered it in HD)

Carolynn is also gearing up to go to Prom.  This is only her Junior year, so she'll be going again next year as well, but she's really looking forward to this one.  The theme is Masquerade, so I've gotten her a beautiful feather mask, opera-length gloves, a beautiful clutch and, best of all, her first pair of actual heels.  We're a little concerned about that last item because after all, this is Carolynn we're talking about.  lol  Hopefully she'll practice enough that when Prom comes, she'll be able to get around without breaking her neck.  lol

There has been a lack of updates here as of recently because with the PermaCath, dialysis has been going really well.  Once they start sticking my arm again, I expect to be back full force.  :-/

Have a great rest of your week!